The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12859   Message #103965
Posted By: annamill
11-Aug-99 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Any 'Trekkies' also Folkie fans?
Subject: RE: Any 'Trekkies' also Folkie fans?

I use MATH as trigger simply because I associate it with nerd which I also associate with Star Trek. It does not surprise me of the connection between nerds and folkies any longer.

Max, I really don't think Math can be associated with loving SF and/or loving Star Trek. It would, however, explain my total lack of talent with musical instruments. I'm terrible at Math, but have a strong love for anything SF.

Maybe it's from another angle. Maybe some people love SF for the explicit and creative detail many writers express in their stories. This may appeal to the people who have good math skills and consider themselves nerds. Maybe others, like myself, love it for the totally abstract creation of other worlds. It would appeal to the sense of adventure. Creative details, abstract creativity. Interesting thought.

As for nerdizm, well, I don't think I'm a nerd in the true sense of the word. (I have a strong fondness and respect for nerds) While true, I'm a programmer/analyst, it bores me and I only do it for money. I'd much rather be bartending. This also may be explained by my lack of Mathmatical skills.

Maybe it's the same with Folk music. Maybe some love and remember all the facts, details, words, actual music (chords, picking, etc) and the beauty of the stories they tell.

Maybe some of us, like me, cannot remember all the facts, words, technical music, but love the stories and the creativity of the music, and the appreciation of what the former group can do.

Two different types of appreciation? Heck, maybe there's ever more that two types.

Hey, I'm on vacation. I don't have to think!

Love, annap (actually loves thinking)