The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10435   Message #1040553
Posted By: GUEST,Bertie
23-Oct-03 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Somebody (Else Not Me) (Bert Williams)
Subject: RE: Lyrics - Somebody else not me
Dear DW - Happy to hear from you.
First I try to explain my german notation:
Small letters = minor chords, so fis can also be notated as Fis-minor:
Baree second fret (first finger) and third and fourth fingers for on the fourth fret, 5. and 4. string.
By the way its my hobby to listen to Daves music and to write it down. I have written the whole piece (the way DVR plays it) in traditional notes, if you can play guitar from notes, I'd be glad to send you the sheet, mail me your post adress, if possible.