The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12930   Message #104076
Posted By: John in Brisbane
11-Aug-99 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Add: Death and the Lady (2)
Subject: RE: LYR & MUS ADD: Death and the Lady (2)
Thanks Lesley and Bruce. Regards, John.

PS Lesley, it's driving me nuts but I can't find the Australian site for original Celtic Midis which makes some reference to'Tadpoles' (meaning notation'. Some of his tunes are absolute corkers (for the Celtic players among us) and his Midis are beautifully put together. The only tune names that I can recall relate to the devastating Ash Wednesday fires - 'North Wind', 'Ashes', 'Olinda Waltz'. Have you come across it?