The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12859   Message #104103
Posted By: Annecat
11-Aug-99 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Any 'Trekkies' also Folkie fans?
Subject: RE: Any 'Trekkies' also Folkie fans?
Allright, I don't really have the right to call myself either Trekkie OR Folkie, but I have an aspiring love of both, so I think I'll be so bold as to throw in my two (or three, or four) cents here. I'm not a Voyager fan - find it predictable and I just don't love the characters - but I watch the original series for laughs and the occasional good, good, surprisingly good episode, and I'm really into Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. I think I like them best because there's so much humanity, emotion, real conflict and tough choices...meanwhile it's all set in this background of creative, mind-opening worlds. Makes me appreciate the fruitful minds behind it. I love the episode many of you referred to earlier, where Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney) sings Minstrel Boy. In fact, that is what single-handedly got me started on the whole folk music thing. No kidding, I just had to learn that song, and then more, and more, and more... Still don't have any clue about most of the songs you guys mention, though I hope to in time. Thanks for listening to me ramble. Oh, and Jeri: Thanks so much for mentioning the Manly Wade Wellman books. I couldn't remember author or title, only that I'd read one of the short stories and have been hoping to someday find the rest by chance. Thanks!!! As far as Sci-fi in general goes, I enjoy it bunches. My BIG interest, though, is really in fantasy: Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Anne McCaffrey, Jane Yolen, etc. But it's great to find so many others hopelessly addicted to Trek and other creative works. ~Annecat.