The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63852   Message #1041107
Posted By: GUEST,Big Brother
24-Oct-03 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: What Books Do You Reread?
Subject: RE: What Books Do You Reread?
Raptor - This is Don. I am the idiot's older brother...I mean Shane, eh? The amazing thing is, the jerk-off did learn to read. Sort of. I figure it was because he wanted to read the letters in Hustler or somethign like that. It sure as hell wasn't for school, eh? He flunked so many times that it was like a joke. He can read if he wants to, but he don't read much unless it has to do with sex or guitars or beer or racing cars or that sort of thing. He got really stuck up recently bvecause he started the internet thing on Mudcat (but mostly he's on them "pictorial" sights...know what I mean?). Anyway, he figured he was better thanm the rest of us. So I give him a big surprise by appearin as "Big Brother" one day. Ha! Ha! If you had had to spend the time in Shane's company that I had to in this life you would know what I mean when I say he is "the joke that walks"! I follow him around sometimes just for laughs and watch him try to pick up girls. He is noteorious in this town. The only girls that will give him the time of day are girls who are too drunk to know which end is up or really dumb ones from out of town, eh?

I guess I gotta apologize to Peter T for wastin' space on a thread that sposed to be about books, so I will list one of my favourites...


Okay, I like Stephen King in a big way. I'll go for "Cujo" and "The Stand".
