The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63885   Message #1041425
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Oct-03 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sinsull's Birthday !
Subject: RE: BS: Sinsull's Birthday !
Hey Kendall.....I got somethin' for you to kiss right here! Pucker up Buttercup!!!

Already this birthday thread is falling into boredom and what's worse is that now people are expecting me to save the thing from the wrath of Joe Offer. I blame Joe for all of this of course. Time was, I was a nice guy but now I'm cast as the villain thanks to his hatred of these threads and the fact that the general populace around here has the creativity of a moldering cow pattie!!!

Want proof? Okay.......I give Tinker credit for at least trying but that "poem" thing is someone else's work......That's okay I guess but it's fairly crappy work!!! I mean, check it out, do the math......Almost one third of the total word count is "Flower-garland." Can you imagine how much it took to write that? Unholy jumpin' Jesus, with a little modification it could be about anybody!!!   Watch while I make a change and dedicate it to Joe Offer:


Mother-fucker of the ocean,
Mother-fucker of the land,
Mother-fucker of the heavens,
Joe Offer

Mother-fucker of the earth,
Mother-fucker of the skies,
Mother-fucker of the angels,
Joe Offer

Mother-fucker of the mansion,
Mother-fucker of the stars,
Mother-fucker of paradise,
Joe Offer

Now ain't that great??? Geeziz, it's no wonder I hang out here a bit less than I used to...................oy..................

The real problem of course is that Sins is one of my very favorite people. She is so much more than a kind and gentle soul who can kick ass in a tough world......but then again, how many of us can do even that? Mary is the combination of all the best we aspire to and all we hope we can be combined with a piercing realism.......with a strong dash of humor thrown in. For any weakness, she can give you strength and for any strength she can provide you with humility. When she speaks her fears here of things she does or is doing, it never comes off as the fear most of us know, but instead it's the fear that is already losing the can read it in her words.

Happy Birthday Sins......

Ya' know, I feel honored to call her a friend and now I am stuck with doing the "Spaw Thing" and telling her to kiss my ass and that just isn't right! No way can I do that even to save this thread from Mother-fucker Joe Offer........I can't bring myself to say it........




FUCK-OFF BITCH ! ! ! ! !

Yeah, that'll work........
