The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63912   Message #1041959
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
26-Oct-03 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: French humor and US lack thereof- Pilots
Subject: RE: French humor and US lack thereof- Pilots
I think that the priority of people involved in security at airports ought to be Safety, Safety, Safety. Their views about what is funny and what is not funny is totally irrelevant.

If they waste time and energy concentrating their attention on people with what they might see as a warped sense of humour, that just makes more likely they will miss the real dangers.

"If I was on security, I would take any so-called joke very seriously indeed, if only to piss-off the jokester!!!" Meanwhile Osama McVeigh walks on the plane, with a straight face, a neat haircut, and without making any jokes at all...

As for "Having been around bombs and people who were trying to blow me up, in an entirely impersonal manner, of course, I consider jokes about them to be sincerely unfunny", maybe this kind of thing varies in different parts of the world.. Jokes about that kind of thing were never in short supply during the Blitz. Or during the IRA bombing campaigns, for that matter.