The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62211   Message #1042078
Posted By: Marion
26-Oct-03 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: Marion's busking tour
Subject: RE: BS: Marion's busking tour
Was the post above from Open Mike? I haven't been to California yet. I do intend to look you up, but it'll be a while yet (I'm not going straight south).

Mary Garvey, I'll respond by PM in a couple of minutes.

Reggie, I've asked Genie to send you info about the bluegrass jam. I don't really know anything, I'm just trailing her around.

Have thought a bit more about Don's post. The first reaction was to feel sorry for those poor suckers in the 50s and 60s who didn't have Mudcat. The next was to wonder why I don't have any "tales of wild adventures on the road" (other than the time I wrestled a husky).   I guess it's because the protocols I follow to feel safe travelling as a single woman tend to make wild adventures unlikely (i.e., I don't get into cars with strangers, or impair my judgement chemically, or participate much in night life when I'm on my own, etc.). But certainly the process of screening out bad-wild adventures also screens out good-wild ones. Oh well, what are you going to do?

All: when I was in Portland I met up with Amergin one evening, which was very enjoyable. We talked mostly about high school, for some reason I can't remember, and I forgot to ask him what Amergin means. I listened to parts of the Mudcat CDS, and was particularly taken with Khandu's "Cool Cup of Water" and Deni's "There I Must Lie". In Seattle I went to hear Genie doing an Octoberfest/harvest gig at a retirement home. I played a few fiddle tunes as an overture and later with her chording. Quote of the day: "Do you mind if I blow my nose on your chords?"

Cheers, Marion