The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63938   Message #1042138
Posted By: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
26-Oct-03 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: benefit for Phil Wiggins
Subject: benefit for Phil Wiggins
Recieved this from a mailing list I belong to. Sorry for the short notice.


Benefit for Phil and Judy Wiggins

(From the Blues E-Zine)

- We in the Blues world know of Cephas & Wiggins as partners in music, but

Phil Wiggins has another partner in his life and that is his wife Judy.

Over this summer Phil and Judy's home in Tacoma Park, Maryland, was damaged

by a natural event to the point that it has been "totaled." Both of them are

ok ... they were insured ... but the insurance company said that they were

not insured for the type of damage which they incurred. So now Phil and Judy

face the mess of a destroyed home with an ongoing mortgage and they need


If you want to thank Phil for the years of wonderful music he has

given us, there are three things you can do:

1. You can go to "The Hands" Benefit Site for the Home of Phil Wiggins at and buy a t-shirt.

2. You can attend the benefit concert on Monday, October 27, in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Info at

3. You can send Phil a donation directly to:

PO Box 5383, Takoma Park, Maryland, 20913.