The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63862   Message #1042273
Posted By: Bobert
26-Oct-03 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Heckled at Aussie Parliament
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Heckled at Aussie Parliament
Yo, Robin:

Yer' cautions aren't going unconsidered. Yeah, I'm not too sure if Boss Hog has thought out his money grab too well. There is a very real possibility that in his greed he has failed to factor in waht an America with 15% unemployment, unprecdented bankrupcties and one heck of a lot of "Soutern Man's" figuring out that have been screwed by Bog Hog's "Southern Stategy" and all these folks are outside *his* gates demandin' to have their stolen stuff, dignity included.... ahhh, like friggin' back!   

Yeah, these greedy bastards don't even realize that they may very well gorge themselves to death in greed and consumption...

Karl Marx has not yet been proven wrong.... Time will tell...

One thing fir sure that I have learned is that controlling and stealing wealth is temporary.... Always has been and, I suspect, always will...

So my advice to Boss Hog: Enjoy driving around in yer' $600,000 buses with a car in tow and hope to Hell you die before the masses come to take back their share of the wealth that you have ripped off...

And.... *all* wealth is created by labor. A dollar never drove a nail!
