The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63963   Message #1042697
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
27-Oct-03 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Visiting Cemeteries
Subject: RE: BS: Visiting Cemeteries
I think that cemeteries take up way too much space, perpetuating medieval superstitious nonsense about dead bodies... They are a total waste of land... Every single one I see would make a much better park for children to play in, for lovers to hold hands in...

There's a mortuary in Sweden (I think it was...) who are well underway with a new technique for dealing with dead bodies... they first freeze dry the whole thing... then they toss it into a machine that shakes it pretty much to dust... they take that dust and put it in a biodegradable bag... They then bury that bad in a shallow hole and plant a tree over it...

and might I add, if you're medically capable and you do NOT donate any organs useful after your death, you are a rat bastard who's not worthy of the term human...

If we're gonna recycle, let's get serious about it!