The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12961   Message #104326
Posted By: Rick Fielding
12-Aug-99 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
Hi Margarita, well naturally I can't be there (oh to be a wealthy folk-playboy, jetting to every gathering) so I'll make my cyber-contribution now. I'll be bringing: smoked salmon with capers (AND NO ONIONS!), home-made sushi, Canadian beer (watch out, it's stronger than yankee) and maybe a bucket of my non-world famous chili (NO ONIONS, but I do use onion powder). There'll probably be lots of guitars, so I'll bring the five string, and the mandola. When it's my turn I'll ask you to join me in "The Stoutest Man in the 42" (unless of course, there are any legit Scots there, in which case I'll leave the ethnic material alone). Later perhaps a minor key version of "I'm On My Way" from the Joe Hickerson repertoire. Being one of those heathens who still smoke occasionally, I'll have to sneak into the shadows at least once and puff away - perhaps I'll meet another closet smoker and we'll comiserate. (that's where I met Sandy)
Anyway, after the last folkie has passed out, I'll hop back in my jet and scoot back to Toronto. Great party Marg!
