The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15959 Message #1043531
Posted By: Bob Bolton
28-Oct-03 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: Origins: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
G'day PoppaGator,
This looks suspiciously like the sort of "music hall" song the English liked to write ... making the Irish look like a bunch of ignorant, louts. The American "stage Irish" tradition was more sympathetic (if also a lot 'schmaltzy') - but Irish in all places seemed well able to take this sort of song and turn it back on there detractors ... singing and enjoying for the fun of it and casting off the 'racial' slurs intented.
That said, I wouldn't count on universal acceptance - or even tolerance - at a dedicated Irish session. (Sing it - but stand near the exit!).