The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12940   Message #104401
Posted By: Songster Bob
12-Aug-99 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: I Dreamed of Folk Music Heaven
Subject: RE: I Dreamed of Folk Music Heaven
A short meller-drammer made up by Kathy Westra down here in DC:

SCENE: A practice studio/music room in a poor young woman's house. Towering over the cowering, sweet young thing (SYT), who grasps a fiddle, is the villain, an oily, mustachioed Music Teacher (MT).

MT: The time has come, my dear, to play "The Rant," or submit to my base desires!

SYT: But I can't play "The Rant!"

MT: You must play "The Rant!"

SYT: I can't play "The Rant!"

MT: You must play "The Rant!"

SYT: I can't play "The Rant!"

MT: You must play "The Rant!"

ENTER, Stage Right, our Hero.

Hero: I'LL play "The Rant."

MT: Curses, foiled again!

Scene ends with Hero playing "Morpeth Rant" as the evil MT slinks from the room.

Bob Clayton