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Thread #64014   Message #1044071
Posted By: Willie-O
29-Oct-03 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst of the 60's 'freak' movies....
Subject: RE: BS: Worst of the 60's 'freak' movies....
LH, that's the first one you've mentioned that wasn't made in the 70's.

A Real 60's movie:

"Psych-Out" was pretty impressive. One of a bunch of movies with Jack Nicholson, Bruce Dern and that crowd. What the hell's it about? I don't know, couple of guys wandering through different communes looking for somebody's sister but always having to fight rednecks or be chased over rooftops...

In the pre-Star Wars low-budget alternative sci-fi genre, whatever happened to "Idaho Transfer"? Then there's the wildly misogynist "A Boy And His Dog", with a very young but nasty Don Johnson.

Apparently the way it worked was that Roger Corman would give them some equipment and let them do whatever they wanted as long as they got it in the can for under $200,000. Which made a bunch of bad movies about nothing much, but was good training for what was to come...Easy Rider, 5 Easy Pieces, Taxi Driver, Dennis Hopper being an evil drug dealer in 273 more movies since then...come to think of it, maybe it wasn't such good training.