The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64008   Message #1044151
Posted By: GUEST
29-Oct-03 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Musician's brains different
Subject: RE: Musician's brains different
I just got my daughter's cognitive abilities tested (IQ test)and her scores were quite divergent. 134 on some tests, 112 on others, very high score on spatial distribution test, low if pictures and social context were added to the mix. She is very frustrated a lot of the time (thus the testing), and this may explain some of it - different learning abilities in different areas.

I have a sneaky suspision that some of those high scores are so high because she is successful at those types of tasks and does them a lot. Still, even at 7 there are are distinct brain things going on. Maybe, she will be a musician!