The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64008   Message #1044185
Posted By: Gloredhel
29-Oct-03 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Musician's brains different
Subject: RE: Musician's brains different
Musicians' brains are different. Well what do you know.

One of my music teachers, whom I am very close to, told me that she's give up dating non-musicians. "They just don't get it." Of the six music teachers I've had who were married, four were married to other musicians. Virtually all of my friends sing or play an instrument, even though in many cases I did not know that for some time after we became friends. As hard as I try, I don't get along well with most non-musicians.

I don't know what other tasks musicians as a whole are good at. My friends seem to be all over the board. One is double-majoring in music and English, another in music and mechanical engineering. Of my aquaintances who are music minors, some are pre-med, physics, biology, chemistry, or computer science, others in history, philosophy, Spanish, French, Classical languages, physical education, communications, or business. Some are very religious, others are not. Some are nice, some are jerks. The ones who are good musicians all at least have some sort of self-discipline, but other than that I see no correlation between our abilities outside music.