The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64021   Message #1044215
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
29-Oct-03 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: NPR - degradation of language & music
Subject: RE: NPR - degradation of language & music
I'm really very disappointed not to be able to hear this. John McWhorter is a wonderful writer on language, the author (among others) of The Power of Babel, a book about HOW and WHY languages develop, and how they relate to each other. One of his points (a little overstated, but it makes itself clear in context) is that "There ARE no languages. It's ALL dialects!" Vastly entertaining writing, as well as being informative. He clearly enjoys staking out a provocative, if not confrontational, position.

Prof. McWhorter is (I have to say this in order to give what follows its context) a black man. Although I don't think he'd use those words. But he was the center of a great deal of controversy a year or two ago, when he wrote a book with the premise that affirmative action is not only unconstitutional and wrong but harmful to the black/Negro/African-American race. As might be expected, he was promptly attacked for this from the liberal end of things, as well as from many, many of his own race. On the other hand, I've heard quotes from other very prominent black men that they think he's right. I heard part of an interview with him about that book, and he makes what seems to me a very reasoned and convincing case.

I need to get hold of this book about degradation of language and music.

Dave Oesterreich