The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64008   Message #1044313
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
30-Oct-03 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: Musician's brains different
Subject: RE: Musician's brains different
"our aptitudes for the tasks that face us in life are a mixture of both - someone with no innate genetic ability can, with diligence become reasonably proficient at a task or vice versa. "

Ahh, that explains Johnny Howard's efforts as a politician...

I remember a while ago seeing something (or it could have been the ABC Radio Science Show - which case I heard it!) which mentioned that there was some empiracle evidence about musical physical practice and brains growth - babies show remarkable brain pathways growth in speech areas over three years. Also there was some research which showed something along the line of - that music scholars at a Conservatorium refleted the following - 3,000 hours of practice meant that they went on to beocme music teachers, 10,000 hours of proctice meant that went on to be performers... :-)

It took me about three years (even with previous musical experience) to grasp most of the physical cooridination to be able to play the Piano accordion to the extent of being satisfied that I was not just "mucking about"... :-)
