The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64040   Message #1044517
Posted By: Blackcatter
30-Oct-03 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Paul McCartney - a dad at 61!
Subject: RE: BS: Paul McCartney - a dad at 61!
Oh yeah, Paul will have a difficult time helping to raise a kid in his sixties. It's a shame he can't hire a nanny or something . . . Gee, if only he could make enough money to allow his wife to be a stay at home mom . . .

Well at least the kid won't grow up in poverty like 45% of the world's kids do. Maybe he can have the poor kids over for play dates every once in a while.

And by the way - Tony Randall became a father in his 70s - and that after most people assumed he was gay!