The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63952   Message #1044724
Posted By: Wesley S
30-Oct-03 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bereavement
Subject: RE: BS: Bereavement
Allison - I've sorry I haven't checked in earlier - and I hope you're doing as well as can be expected. After my son and mother died 6 weeks apart from each other I know I was a wreck. I found emotional land mines waiting weeks and months and years later. It's been almost three years now and I still look at my son Brendan and wonder what he {they} would be like if his twin had survived.

We're both lucky in that we have friends both here and in the 3-D world that will talk to us when we need it and be silent with us when we need that too. Please feel free to PM me anytime you need to talk {or rant} to someone outside of your normal circle.

It helped me to have a project to work on - it sounds like you have some too. Something long term that may never really be finished. One of the last charitable contributions my mother made was some cash so that my wife and I could buy books for a Christmas party our church gives to some kids from the local "projects". We continue that tradition today. And I always think of my mom when we're at the local Barnes and Nobel buying boxes of books. There are other but that will give you the idea.

Take care of both your mind and your body and contact me whenever you need to. Wesley