The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63892   Message #1044991
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
30-Oct-03 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting a skunk out from under the porch
Subject: RE: BS: Getting a skunk out from under the porch
A man went to the store one day, and asked the proprietor
about the best way to get rid of the skunks under his
porch. The proprietor said: "Buy some lutefisk, and
put it under the porch. The smell will drive them away."

The man came back in a week later, and the proprietor asked him
if the skunks were gone. The man replied, "Sure, sure, but now
how do I get rid of dose darn Norwegians?"

* * * *

A man went to the store and asked to buy some lutefisk.
The clerk said, "Oh, you're Norwegian!" The man got indignant
and said, "Why do you assume I'm Norwegian? If I bought some
Polish sausage, would you assume I must be Polish? If I
asked for French bread, would you insist I'm French? Why
do you say I'm Norwegian just because I ask for lutefisk?"
The clerk answered, "Because this is a hardware store. . . ."



                            -- Arne Langsetmo