The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63765   Message #1045191
Posted By: GUEST,Sandy LaPrelle
31-Oct-03 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2003 Memories
Subject: RE: Getaway 2003 Memories
Hi Getaway goers! I had a lot of fun and wanted to say "thanks". My mom and dad had a great time, they are still talking about it. Elizabeth has been too busy to process, but I shared some of the great compliments about her singing that I read, and she was very pleased, of course! All of The Shellback Chorus were a blast! I can't say what I especially enjoyed, cause I enjoyed it all. My only problem was I couldn't go to everything at once. Again, thanks for the whole weekend; if you love to sing (as I always have loved to do) it was something not to be missed!
