The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64008   Message #1045529
Posted By: Deckman
31-Oct-03 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Musician's brains different
Subject: RE: Musician's brains different
This thread title caught my eye. I would like to add something and see if anyone else has noticed this: In my first life, I was VERY serious in my music studies. I took years of courses, private teachers, etc. And ... I hung around some very good, proffessional musicians. One thing that always amazed me, especially regarding symphoney orchestra musicians, was their attraction to, and uncanny ability in two areas: puns and words games.

For example, back in the 60's, it was very populiar to play a mind game, anytime you were driving long distances, called "Botachelli." Does anyone remember this?

It takes several players, as when the whole group is driving twelve hours to a gig, and you try to guess the word that "it" has chosen. There's a whole set of rules, simple really, but it's like mental chess. And ... it can keep you mentally occupied while driving hundreds of miles.

I've actually witnessed several musicians to keep this game going, over several days, during rehersals and the actual performances.

Are musicians the only ones quirky, or skilled enough, to pull this off? CHEERS, Bob