The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61859   Message #1045679
Posted By: nutty
01-Nov-03 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Where is Cowdenknowes?
Subject: RE: Where is Cowdenknowes?
I still find it hard to reconcile the ballad "The lovely Northern Lass" with the modern song "The Broom of CowdonKnowles"
Granted ...the ballad contains the refrain on which the more modern song is based and is sung to, what is referred to as , a pleasant Scottish tune of the same name but of the placenames it refers to ....1)Liddersdale - is in Cumbria and 2) Danby Forest - is in North Yorkshire ..... so I would maintain that this is an English Ballad given a Scottish tune and chorus.