The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63765   Message #1045733
Posted By: Jeri
01-Nov-03 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2003 Memories
Subject: RE: Getaway 2003 Memories
Thanks Ron. I was writing it and thought it started out like a serious ghost story sort of song. Still could be, if I could manage to figure out how to make a silly believable. Need to watch more X-Files re-runs.

I love the Cicada Seranade, and I'm sorry I missed it. Part of the reason I love these after-action reports so much is to hear about all the great stuff I missed. There is an entomologist who comes to our sessions who's gonna LOVE that!

Sandy, one of the things that will stand out in my mind is hearing you and Elizabeth in the Fri night sing-around, and wondering "Who the heck ARE those people?! They're GOOOOOD!" Your spot-on harmonies and Elizabeth's incredibly strong, clear singing were one of the pleasant surprises that make me treasure events like the Getaway. Elizabeth seems to have a lot of self-confidence in singing her own songs in her own voice, she pulls it off as if she's already had a long career performing, and I hope to hear a lot more of her. I like James Taylor too. It's OK to stick a JT song in here and there. Those two ballads at the end of the mini-concert, however, just blew me away, and I'm thankful you did both of the requests instead of picking just one.