The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64057   Message #1045734
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Nov-03 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: Tech: ABCWin2.1 in windows xp
Subject: RE: Tech: ABCWin2.1 in windows xp
You can get vbrun.dll in about any version you want (free download) from the Microsoft Visual Basic support center. The ABCWin program asks for vbrun300.dll, but either vbrun300.dll or vbrun400.dll should work, as the site indicates that the '400 version aliases its ident tag to look like '300 for backward compatibility. Last (current?) Visual Basic version is '600, being replaced now by [hooray, another adspeak buzzword!]

If you are missing vbrun, you'll likely get a "cannot find vbrun300.dll" message when you try to crank up a program that needs it. If the program starts, but doesn't run correctly, it's more likely you need to set back to a compatability mode - Win95 usually. I tried placing vbrun on my machine, and it just goes to the next "cannot find xxx" error, so it's possible that my rather old ABCWin install file has been corrupted by multiple migrations. New version is on the "do list."
