The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64098   Message #1045817
Posted By: GUEST,pdq
01-Nov-03 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: 4 X 4's
Subject: RE: BS: 4 X 4's
As usual, I would like people to look at things from a different perspective. Everyone uses energy to cook, heat their homes, run their appliances and fuel their cars. If we were all responsible citizens we would allow a reasonable amount of enery for all the jobs "in total". I have spent most of my life in small houses with no air conditioning. I keep the temps low in the winter and never travel by airplane. My total energy use is quite responsible even though I own three four-wheel drive vehicles and plan to buy the biggest 3/4 ton 4WD Suburban next week. Barbara Streisand, on the other hand, owns four mansions which she keeps heated in winter and air conditioned in summer, even though she a can only be in one at a time. She travels accross the country in the most outrageous gas guzzlers of all time, the airplane. Maybe we need a thread on "social contract".