The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64043   Message #1045984
Posted By: Ebbie
01-Nov-03 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting a drunk out from under the porch
Subject: RE: BS: Getting a drunk out from under the porch
I am reminded of an old story that I'm not sure is relevant, but maybe it can be adapted to the present case.

It appears that once on a camping trip in high dry desert country after a late night of imbibing and making merry, the men woke up late the next morning in their sleeping bags and discovered one of their mates sheet-white and wide-eyed with terror. He mouthed silently that there was a rattlesnake inside the sleeping bag with him.

The nonplussed friends proposed various remedies- to grasp the friend under the armpits and drag him out slowly (No, no, no, don't touch me, the friend screamed silently); to shoot the varmint through the sleeping bag where he lay curled up (No,no, no, the friend screamed silently); to get the sledge hammer and with one blow despatch the critter (No, no, no, the friend screamed silently); wait until dark and see if the snake would vacate (No, no, no, get him out, I have to go to the bathroom, the friend, etc)

The morning went by and the sun blazed and the friend begged silently for shade. Moving softly they erected a tarp. The friends were stumped. They sat down under a tree and fell silent. It looked like their friend was doomed.

Then one man got up and going over to the friend he removed the tarp. No, no, no, the friend screamed silently, and then his eyes bulged in terror as he felt the reptile move from his legs. In fascination the men gathered 'round as the huge snake slithered up the length of the man's body and over the man's arm then on to and over his shoulder and past his neck and out upon the ground and headed for the shade.

Does this give anyone any ideas?