The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64052 Message #1045986
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
01-Nov-03 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
You didn't in any way get my back up, art. Only it struck me that the comment you made, while technically correct, was, on it's own, essentially misleading. Rather like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Or the thing politicians always say before elections "We have no plans to do so-and-so" when so-and-so is likely to lose votes - and what they mean is "While we have every intention of doing this, if need be, we have not at this point made any definite plans for doing it".
After all that Al Qaida guy with the would-be exploding boots, who got caught in the act, wasn't allowed to walk away, even though he hadn't actually damaged anything, other than a pair of his own bootlaces. Intent counts for rather a lot.