The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64054   Message #1046055
Posted By: GUEST
01-Nov-03 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Biggest Question of the Century...
Subject: RE: BS: The Biggest Question of the Century...
The biggest question of the century is, why aren't you guys - especially you left coasters - jumping through your keyboards to woo NicoleC away from the Mudcat? You can't deny that she's about as intellectually astute and intelligent as they come, if her posts are any indication. And if her attractiveness were in question, well, need I say more?

C'mon, you let Banjo Bonnie get away, and JtS stole CarolC from under your noses. AnnaMill married an 'Outlander.' Big Mick, for all his silver-tongued chivalry, couldn't lure The Fair One out of Oz. WyoWoman was so frustrated with all this 'universe' theory she took a job at Mother Earth.   If NicoleC hasn't already married that guy from a continent away (or a coast away, I forget which), I'd say time's a wastin.'

Sure, all this superstring, space-time continuum theorizing is really, really fascinating. But if you don't set that aside for the time being, before you know it, there won't be any Mudcat beauties left to theorize about. And that, my friends, would be a woefully major change in the Mudcat paradigm.