The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63968   Message #1046379
Posted By: Peace
02-Nov-03 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: Looking for Bruce Murdoch
Subject: RE: Looking for Bruce Murdoch
Dear Mark and Don,

It is great to find you guys. You know, I look at the pictures you have on this site--somewhere ever lost to me now because I am a computer idiot--and I have to ask why I'm the only one getting older and uglier? I don't know how I got to this site either, but having spent the past few days going through it, reading the comments made by people, and being fortunate enough to stumble across you both, I am a very happy camper. I have fond memories of you guys, and I pleased that you are still making music. I've been out of the loop for so long that I don't know where the loop is anymore. However, having someone want to know where I am--other than government officials--is quite refreshing. I don't know if it is permitted to post howru stuff here, and if I've breached a protocol, I apologize. Don, thank you for the very kind comment. I was able to get into the studio in 1980 (?) with Bill Garrett and Paul Mills for another album (with which I was pleased). I shall try to e-mail you both and I'll leave my e-mail address with you. If you can get in touch, I hope you do. By for now. Bruce Murdoch