The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64098   Message #1047924
Posted By: Phot
04-Nov-03 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: 4 X 4's
Subject: RE: BS: 4 X 4's
As my Land Rover is off the road with some body work repairs at the moment, I have to use my moterbike to get to and from work over the winter, "so what", you may say, just bear this in mind.
Its a seventy mile round trip frim Honiton,where I live to Yeovilton where I work, and the weather is starting to get bad, with rain in the day and frost and ice at night, which makes things a bit tricky at six in the morning, with 150 Bhp going through a contact patch the size of a two pound coin!
Add to this equasion, salt (supposed to stop the roads freezing) which draws the moisture even more, spilt Diesel fuel from trucks with overfull tanks, mud and manure from farmyards and fields, rubber from the prolnged dry spell, and loose chippings from road "repairs".
You might start to see why I drive a Land Rover in The counties of Devon and Somerset!


Chris....(Not looking foward to going to work for the next Few months!!)