The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64052   Message #1048132
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
04-Nov-03 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Whether you're a cop or a soldier though, the bottom line is that if someone is willing to surrender, they become prisoners, and you have a duty to treat prisoners decently.

And whether a cop or a soldier, there is a legal as well as a moral obligation to refuse to obey an order to do something illegal.

In practice those might be difficult at time. That's the kind of thing that military training has to take seriously.

Increasingly it seems likely that the job of soldiers has to involve the kind of skills that policing involves, because that's what they are going to be be doing most of the time they are in actve service.