The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64121   Message #1048374
Posted By: GUEST,arnie
05-Nov-03 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Review: Tim O'Brien
Subject: RE: Review: Tim O'Brien
Tim's new CD "Traveler" features all of his songs (plus one Olla Belle Reed song "I've Endured" with Dirk Powell playing nice banjo). The songwriting and melodies are really good for the most part, and a few of the songs are real keepers. You do not get any idea from the recorded arrangements however, how really good an instrumentalist/vocalist/performer Tim is on his own in a live performance situation. The backup musicianwork on the recording is superb and recorded quality top of the line - but this CD highlights his songwriting primarily. Incidently, the lyrics are all in the liner notes. So anyone buying this CD will only get a grip on this aspect of Tim O'Brien (which in itself is highly commendable). If Tim is playing in your area - don't pass up a chance to have a great time hearing him.