The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64119   Message #1048781
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
05-Nov-03 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Left Hypocricy
Subject: RE: BS: Left Hypocricy
Oh Gareth, do I really have to deal with this? I suppose I'd better...

My daughter goes to a catholic state grammar school, the catchment area of which she lives within. It was chosen from the state schools that were willing to accept her. Her choice. Not mine. Not her mum's. Northern Ireland, alas, is one of those parts of the UK that has clung to selective education, and overwhelmingly to faith-based schools. The last NI education minister, Martin McGuinness, was committed to abolishing selection (ie the 11-plus), and with any luck he will soon be back in office to see that through.

Until recently I was on the governing bodies of two first-class comprehensives in deprived areas. Then this summer one of them closed, largely as a consequence of the present system of so-called parental choice.

Always a pleasure talking to you, Gareth.