The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64261   Message #1049449
Posted By: wysiwyg
06-Nov-03 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yucky Female Medical Question...
Subject: RE: BS: Yucky Female Medical Question...
One day my recently-moved-out stepson called and asked if he could ask me a question, being as I was a mom and all.... I said of course. Well, he was planning a big hike in the northwest, like a 6 week solo backpacking thing, and he was calculating calories and how to manage food shipments along the hike. Wanted to save on costs and not get freeze-dried camping food.....

He wanted a recipe for Oat Bars, so I described how to make oat bars.

Then he said he had already cooked about 30 million pounds of raw oats (he had calculated 8 weeks' worth of hiking calories and put it ALL in oats and then cooked ALL the oats)....

I tried to tell him he'd need to use RAW OATS and dry the bars well......

Then he said he thought the bars would be too much trouble and he was going to just pack up the cooled, cooked oatmeal in single-portion Ziploc bags, and have his grandma ship it along the trail in batches. I was pretty specific about what would happen to his cooked oatmeal..... he said he was sure though....

Of course we laughted our asses off, and were also worried that he'd starve when the rotten (exploding) oat baggies arrived.... but he just would NOT listen!!!

Well, it turned out he had called all his other female relatives and gotten the same story. But he had acted as if each one of us was the ONLY one he was getting advice from, or I personally would have saved my breath once he started arguing about the damn oats. We ladies compared notes, and we all fetl the same.

Now, Bobert, I am sure you are only getting a few advisors (so far), and to be fair, by posting your request in a thread, I don't see any way to control the results.... but you need to know, we still call Mike "Oat Boy." :~)   

Helpful, but not always nice! :~)
