The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64052 Message #1049908
Posted By: Amos
07-Nov-03 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Predictably, about ten papers carried the tale of his flight and only one carried the story of his return to face the music:
TORONTO, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- A Canadian who fought in Iraq for the U.S. Army and went AWOL during psychiatric treatment in Kentucky will return to face charges, a report said Friday.
Pfc. Tyrone Roper, who was in the midst of some of the heaviest fighting for nearly three weeks in Iraq, is now on anti-depressants, diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
As part of the 101st Airborne division, Roper had three confirmed kills and was praised by his fellow soldiers. But he became depressed, detached and irritable.
He was pulled out of Iraq and sent for treatment at an army base in Kentucky. But just a few days before he was to be released, he walked away, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. said.
"I never thought I'd do this. I wasn't thinking clearly when I left," he said.
He says he is haunted by images of those he killed and that's what prompted him to run away and hide in an undisclosed part of Western Canada.
But, he said he will soon go back to "take what punishment is coming," and will then leave the military.