The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64256   Message #1049994
Posted By: wysiwyg
07-Nov-03 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Subject: RE: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
LOL-- I passed that link on to Hardi (who BTW does NOT know about this thread)--

Guess who came home after being gone all day, with a BIG bag of DOG TREATS and rawhide chews (including some for Ruby to keep her from imploding)! Faulkner went NUTS during the video, when a Bad Man started ordering people about-- F barked, ran to all the entrances of the house, growled, ran around objecting in general, and then went to share guard duty at the feet of The Keeper of All Treats-and-Friendly-Ear-Rubs! Amazing he had learned where the exits all are, having only been through two of them personally, but I did let him watch Alpha Hardi take the trash out this AM thru the 3rd door, so he could tailwag Hardi back in again!

Today was madcap mayhem every time I let the two dogs out of their corner into the house or their run. Chasing, wrestling, Ruby Hoobie Doobie with a crazed expression and ears screwed up into the full Kill Rat mode, but playing.... all day while they were in the corner for timeouts, I kept hearing this weird noise-- is that damned Faulkner chewing the wooden gate??? Every time I went to look they heard me coming and sat there with innocent eyes. "What?" So tonight I dancey-tippie-toe-snuck in there and caught them red-paweded-- wresting in the small space and bumping into the walls-- "who, US???"

Uh oh, I'm trapped in some kind of DogBlog!

And STILL no puddles, nobuddy, nowhar, nohow.
