The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64256   Message #1050012
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Nov-03 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Subject: RE: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
My two cats chase each other and wrestle all of the time. I figure if they didn't like it they'd avoid each other. It's pretty funny, though they will wake me in the middle of the night if they decide to stop sleeping around my feet and wrestle instead.

The older white cat would groom the younger calico, but if he starts, she usually chomps on him. If one is on a chair and the other jumps up, it always means wrestling time (unless it's a really cold day and they decide to sleep near each other). Today the old white cat was making odd noises and I finally realized he was snoring. The calico must have wondered at the noise also, because she hopped up on his chair and gave him a few grooming licks just to check on him, then hopped back out of the chair when he woke up. They really are good together for a couple of strays.