The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64280   Message #1050083
Posted By: greg stephens
08-Nov-03 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Subject: RE: BS: 'a totally needless war'
McGrath: your latest thesis, like your previous ones, seem to me to involve believing Saddam hussein's announcements. i thin there is a tiny flaw here.
   Also, whatever your views, "totally needless" seems a bit strong. If you were prepared to listen to views contrary to your own, I think I bit of a chat to the vast number of Iraquis totally supporting the Americans might open your eyes.You opposed the war, and fair play to you. I find the arguments of those people I know with family in Iraq compelling, interesting, and challenging to my pinko-liberal world view. And a lot of them are 100% pro the American/British adventure.