The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64275   Message #1050146
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
08-Nov-03 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lunar Eclipse
Subject: RE: BS: Lunar Eclipse - 08 Nov '03
Fionn: yep, it should be visible in UK (clouds & street lights permitting).
Here's a clip from the Daily Telegraph:

"Total eclipse of Moon tonight
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
(Filed: 08/11/2003)

A total eclipse of the moon will be visible tonight, reaching a ruddy climax in the early hours tomorrow, if the weather is clear.
Earth's shadow will begin to creep over the Moon at about 11.30pm.
The total phase of the eclipse will be unusually brief, lasting only 25 minutes (between 1.06am and 1.31am). It will all be over by 3.05am."

For a fuller picture, Google to "Daily Telegraph" and use their search facility for "Eclipse"
