The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64280   Message #1050355
Posted By: Bill D
08-Nov-03 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Subject: RE: BS: 'a totally needless war'
I think Americans have lost control of their government

the US has not totally lost control of its government,...the mechanisms are still there. But this government is getting cleverer at lulling the populace into not BOTHERING to exercise that control. The spin doctors are working overtime to sell war, loss of privacy, environmental degradation,, necessary things to keep our security and 'image' intact. They sell this crap in different ways to different segments of the population...and they only need to convince 50.1% 49.9% of the people that they are at least the lesser of two evils.

It 'may' be that too many dead kids in Iraq, along with 87 billion other reasons will push their luck and smoke & mirrors too far, but ANYTHING can happen in a year. If the greedy Democrats don't spend all year berating each OTHER, maybe they can field a candidate who will