The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12985   Message #105036
Posted By: Bill D
14-Aug-99 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (August 13)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (August 13)
form todays Washington Post thoughts on Kansas & evolution

*sigh*..I grew up in Kansas from 3rd grade through college..but I was in Wichita, where there was some semblance of modern thought beyond the 17th century...I'm afraid that in the rural/western parts, you can still find attitudes that you associate with the deep south or other bastions of Bible-thumping....I am afraid that in some areas of discussion, there are those who simply decide what they would LIKE to be true, then defend that position to the death with threats, intimidation, bad logic, outright nonsense and political management.

It is not about what you 'choose' to believe personally, that is allowed in this free society, it is about allowing education to do it's job without making some vocal minorities the censors of what the public is allowed to learn and teach. Remember what they did to Copernicus in the name of 'truth'...and Giordano Bruno, who embraced Copernicus and went even further, was burned at the stake!

Remember, in order to have "Freedom of Religion" for all, it is also necessary to have "freedom FROM religion" for those who desire it..

to K---..and your point is? There are all SORTS of 'reasons for extinction', but watch what senses you imbue the word 'reason' with..(Bishop Usher is, indeed 'worth looking up'....just to see how silly a fellow can be about how calculations should be done!)

(What, ME? Opinionated? naawwwww)