The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162   Message #1050598
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
09-Nov-03 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Senor Don Gato
Subject: RE: Origins: Senor Don Gato
As with another current thread, this song was taught in British schools through the medium of radio broadcasts, with small music books for teachers/pupils, many of which can probably still be found, and I have a few.
The version taught here is different from that quoted, so I quote it entire. (Melody line available if required)




Once the noblest cat, Don Gato
To his sweetheart sent a note,
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!
'Marry me dear Mistress Pussy.'

On the roof top high he waited;
Answered she, 'I'll be your bride'.
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!
Overcome with joy, he tumbled.
Oh how sad, the great Don Gato
Lies so still upon the ground.            
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!            
Doctors quickly come to help him.

Doctors shake their heads so sadly,            
'Nothing here that we can do',            
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!            
Through the market place they bear him.      

But the smells of fruit and fishes            
Reach Don Gato's lordly nose.            
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!            
Up he jumps, his ills forgotten.
Mistress Puss comes from the country,         
Isn't she a lovely bride?            
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!            
No one had a grander wedding.
Seven fluffy kits are brides-maids,            
All the cats are there to see.            
Miri miri Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!            
'Best of luck!' they wish Don Gato.

Notes: published in: "Time and tune ; BBC Sound Broadcasts to Schools Autumn Term 1963"; Acknowledgements are given to J Curwen & Sons Ltd for the words and music from Children's Songs from Spain