The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64256   Message #1050641
Posted By: wysiwyg
09-Nov-03 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Subject: RE: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
First, I'd love for everyone who has posted to come over and meet Faulkner and stay around for some music. I've tried to post that several times, but my posts have disappeared. (???)

Second, the stories of your own Matches Made in Pet Heaven are adorable. I've been telling Hardi about them.

Hardi, BTW, shares with me a flair for the obvious, and has not mentioned F's leaving us for several days.

As some of you might know, I've been doing some pretty serious physical rehab after a long debilitation. The exercise I have been able to tolerate has all been aquatic... I have been extremely frustrated at not being able to do much on land, and the pool is not nearby gas-wise; I need more than one active period each day and everything I have tried has only set me back in the aquatics.

Gee, d'ya think I oughtta get a dog?????

Now that F is feeling more secure and well-fed, his true personality is emerging. :~) He's engaging and playful and QUITE active. (He also is still gratifyingly responsive to a firm "NO!") Keeping our house puddle-free and pile-free, and keeping our stuff unchewed, is giving me all the exercise I had been lacking.... I get to launch small but frequent leaps from room to room when F is awake and active and needs to busy his way around the place. :~) Of course we'll have to add short, relaxed leash exploration of the property when he seems ready to pay attention. Snow will be fun.

All this is not lost on Hardi who has been so supportive of my other rehab efforts. And since F successfully stayed dry this AM, while I was gone for several hours at church-- the longest daytime span we've subjected him to so far with water available to him-- now I can add the aquatics back in, starting tomorrow, because it means being gone about 2-1/2 hours each time.

I know we have a lot of agnostics and a few atheists around here, so I think I'll just leave it at this:

There is a Dog. :~) That ole Sugar Dog got her a pack, now.
