The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64280   Message #1050738
Posted By: Peace
09-Nov-03 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Subject: RE: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Strickly speaking: Maybe youse was drug and maybe youse weren't drug. Canada chose NOT to participate in the most recent Iraq effort. We did in the 1990 effort. That one had UN sanction, this one didn't. Don't get your nose outta joint, Strick. I am not putting down the people of the USA. Your foreign policy sucks. Even you have to be able to see that. And Texas musta known this type of government might arise. Texas IS a republic, and I think it has reserved the right to 'leave' the United States if it so chooses. Don't try the old saw on me about how the US has been suckered into everyone else's wars. Jaysus, the US started a gang of them. There is much to admire about democracies. I happen to think your country is becoming less and less democratic every day. So why don't you and I simply agree to disagree, OK? Bye for now.