The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64299   Message #1050743
Posted By: Deda
09-Nov-03 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Modest Proposal to end the civil war
Subject: RE: BS: Modest Proposal to end the civil war
I might well move to Canada eventually. Do you all need a Latin teacher? I'm a really good teacher.

Nearly every one of the 50 states is now occupied mostly by folks from out of state, as far as I can tell.

Question, or maybe an addition to the proposal: We've never tried real direct democracy. Nobody has, since maybe Athens 5th century BC or so, because it's just too unweildy and cumbersome to have everybody vote on anything. But in my new (imaginary) country, I think I'll have the president directly elected by all the people -- just a plain head count. With the technology we have now, it could be done securely with less cost and headache than we pour into the electoral college charade. The popular vote would be the ONLY vote. Is there something wrong with that picture that I'm missing??