The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64119 Message #1050803
Posted By: Gareth
09-Nov-03 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Left Hypocricy
Subject: RE: BS: Left Hypocricy
"Subject: RE: BS: Left Hypocricy From: Gareth - PM Date: 02 Nov 03 - 06:49 PM
I have no intention of defending the indefensible - I speak as one who made a point of opting out of Company "Health Insurance Schemes" when I was employed by companies who offered one - And no I did not gain financialy by opting out. ... "
Akenatom - Congratulations on a good memory - You are correct in calling me a "self confessed party hack".
You will also recall that in the past I have defended factually that bloody woman, M Thatcher, when urban ledgends have twisted facts to acuse that B***h of doing something that was not correct. Lets be fair there is enuf misery on her hands not to need to invent facts.
Hack or not, I try to be acurate and fair !
By the same token Diane Abbott condemns herself over this, a point that Fionn, probably due to malice, ignores.
Fionn acuses Diane Abbott of not declaring her earnings from the BBC. A quick click of the mouse, using the links I posted above, proves this to be incorrect. Please do not suggest that a journalist of Fionn's claimed experience and computer litteracy, was not capable of checking against the "Register of Interests".
I suggest you PM Fionn and ask him for his source of her earnings.
As I said earlier, if Fionn has evidence that Diane Abbott has broken the law then he has a duty to lay his information before the Commisioner for Parliamentry Standards, and the Labour Party Executive. If he has not then I respectfully suggest that a long period of silence from Fionn would be both in order, and of benefit to any serious discussion in this or any other thread.
He has not done so. In which case I suggest that he refrains from posting - Full Stop.
With best wishes,
PS if you wish to continue this discuission outside of the forum PM me, or E-Mail me at gcw72@hotmail,com