The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64310   Message #1051043
Posted By: GUEST,MMario
10-Nov-03 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Robin Hood and the Fifteen Foresters
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: John Goodluck's Robin Hood and the Fifte
Bronson has the following text in 'The Singing Tradition of Child's Popular Ballads"

Source:Creighton (1933) As Sung by Ben Henneberry

Robin Hood he bent his noble good bow
And his broad arrow let fly,
Till fourteen of those fifteen foresters
Dead on the Ground did lie.

hi down, hi derrry derry down

Ten men they came from brave Nottingame
To take up Robin Hood,
Some lost arms and some lost legs
And more they lost their blood.

hi down, hi derrry derry down

Ten men they came from brave Nottingham
To Take up robin Hood,
but he picked up his noble good bow
And he's off the the merry Greenwood,

hi down, hi derrry derry down

will post tune in a bit.